Full programme
The full conference programme can be downloaded here:

The Conference Programme Booklet is online
Our Conference Booklet is now available online. Take a look inside for all the programme details!
Sign up form for workshops and Action Labs open until 21st May
We invite all the registered participants to fill in the sign up form for the workshops and Action Labs that they wish to attend. The sign up form was sent by email and it will be available until the Sunday, 21st May. Please sign up for 1 Friday morning (3 hour) and 1 Friday afternoon (1.5 […]
Registration is now closed!
With only two weeks before we welcome you in person in our Community Center Rojc, we would like to inform you that Online registrations for TEH conference „Culture and Sharing Communities“ are now closed. As we reached a high number of registered participants, we thank you for such a high interest in this event and […]
Registration close on 7th May
Just two more days to register for 83 TEH Confernce. Join us and take part in all the interesting workshops and lectures presented by an international line-up of highly knowledgable people! The TEH Conference, hosted by Rojc Community Center in Pula, Croatia is still open for registration.The topic of the Conference is Culture and Sharing Communities. […]
29 speakers on the 83rd TEH conference
We are thrilled to announce our TEH 83 speakers: around 30 speakers will participate in various types of programme. Through the workshops or panels they will share their knowledge and experience and present examples of good practice. The theme of the conference will be developed through four main routes: Culture of involvement – How art contributes […]
The programme for our conference next month in Pula, Croatia is now on-line!
The programme for the ‘Culture and sharing communities’ conference is now available on the official TEH conference site. In a little over a month the annual TEH conference begins, which will focus on probing the relationship between culture and sharing communities with the aim of creating responsible communities that stand in solidarity with one another […]
Društveni centar Rojc, kao član europske mreže nezavisnih kulturnih centara „Trans Europe Halles“ (TEH), organizira TEH konferenciju u Društvenom centru Rojc od 25. do 28. svibnja. Tema konferencije je „Kultura i zajednice dijeljenja“ („Culture and Sharing Communities“). Program konferencije dostupan je nahttp://teh.rojc.eu/programme/ Pozivaju se kulturni djelatnici i ostali zainteresirani s područja Istarske županije da prisustvuju konferenciji. Za […]